Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.
Malachi 3:10

What is Gift Aid?
To support charities, the government (HMRC) has set up a charitable donation scheme that allows churches to receive an additional 25% tax refund on donations made at no additional cost to you.
In other words, if you give £1 to the church, the church will get an extra 25p; if you give £1,000 to the church, the church will get an extra £250. If you want to know more, please browse the website of HMRC.
In order for the church to receive an additional tax refund on charitable donations, please complete a Gift Aid Form authorizing the church to receive a tax refund on the donation and return it to the Finance Department.
An introduction of Donation and Gift Aid
- The church most encourages you to donate via online bank transfer
- If you donate via online bank transfer or use a donation envelope( cash or cheque), a receipt will be issued after the end of the financial year.
- Donation envelopes can be obtained from the church
- If you use the above methods to donate, please remember to fill in the registration ID given to you by the church (example: MK+000999)

On Line Bank Transfer
Account Name:Chinese Alliance Churches Union (UK)
Account No.:20110930
Sort Code:40-11-56
Reference written as
If you have the church reg. no.
MK+000999 is an example only.
If you don’t have the reg. no.
TMD Chan is the Initial,Example:Tai Man Daniel Chan

Please make sure to indicate “MK+” at the reference field when making your donation, as the bank account accepts offerings from various C&MA churches in UK. Indicating “MK+” ensures that your offering is directed specifically to Milton Keynes Alliance Church.

At Church
Place in offering bag during worship
Donate in cash or cheque with a donation envelope. A receipt will be issued after the end of the financial year.
Tithing refers to the practice of Christians giving ten percent of their possessions to God. Tithing is not just a financial offering, but also an expression of mindset and attitude. Through tithing, Christians can express their trust and obedience to God, acknowledging that all wealth comes from Him and being willing to give a portion back to Him. It is important that tithing comes from a willing heart, rather than from pressure or a sense of obligation. The Bible also mentions that God will bless those who are willing to give. Therefore, tithing is not only to support the work of the church, but also a practical demonstration of faith that brings God’s blessing and abundant life.